Helping everyone to follow the Bible..."in all things great and small."
Thomas A' Kempis
"Chapters" are are approximately 25-30 minutes in length
The Imitation of Christ
"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 2:5 (KJV)
by Thomas A' Kempis
Chapter 1 -  in Book One "Thoughts Helpful to the Soul" Chapters 1-11            [PC ]        [MOBILE]    

Chapter 2 -  
in Book One "Thoughts Helpful to the Soul" Chapters 12-22          [PC ]        [MOBILE]    

Chapter 3
 to Book Two "The Interior Life" Chapters 23-2                                    [PC ]        [MOBILE]

Chapter 4 
Book Two      "The Interior Life" Chapters 3-12                                    [PC ]        [MOBILE]

Chapter 5-  
Book Three      "Internal Consolation"                                                   [PC ]        [MOBILE]

Chapter 6 
Book Three      "Internal Consolation"                                                   [PC ]        [MOBILE]
Book One
"Thoughts Helpful in the Life of the Soul"

Book Two
"The Interior Life"

Book Three
"Internal Consolation"

Book Four
"An Invitation to Holy Communion"